Blog: Teams

Heather Roberts

I’ve wanted to be in the veterinary field, ever since I was in elementary school. I’ve always loved all animals of every size and shape, and tried to bring home just about any animal I thought needed a home, whether my parents agreed or not. I worked in a pet...

Dr. Patricia Ryan

I am a 1995 graduate of the Atlantic Veterinary College. I started working at Sunrise Animal Hospital on January 2, 2013. An area of interest for me in veterinary medicine is dermatology. My first pet was Jake, a female orange tabby. What I love most about my job is educating...

Lynn McCarthy

I always enjoyed caring for animals so I applied to the Veterinary Assistant program where I graduated with honours in 1990. I started working at Sunrise Animal Hospital on June 1, 1992. My main interest is currently inventory management but I also have a keen interest in radiology and laboratory...

Michelle Kerfont

I have wanted to work in the animal field since I was a little girl. My parents were animal lovers, who encouraged my interests in animals. I graduated with my RVT status in 1999. I joined Sunrise in May 1997 as an assistant, I started as a summer job while...