Blog: Services


Cat Fecal Exam

Fecal examinations are not only limited to parasite screenings, they can also be used to test for certain deficiencies or help determine causes for chronic diarrhea etc.


Cat Flea and Tick Control

Fleas are a common parasite in Newfoundland and can be present year round. Newfoundland has sporadic weather and fleas can survive in the outdoors at any temp above 8 degrees Celcius. Fleas can survive indoors in the winter while remaining dormant. Ticks, on the other hand, are present all over...


Senior Cat Care

Similar to humans, with age, cats can develop serious health complications. Our cats are living longer and longer, due to advances in food and medical care. Proper and early detection of these health conditions promotes a longer and healthier life.

Arthritis Treatment for Dogs

Joint stiffness, intermittent lameness and a reluctance to go on walks are all symptoms of arthritis.