Blog: Pet Nutrition & Wellness

Nutrition – Picky Senior Kitty Knows Best!

We all love our pets, and we want the very best for them. We all can agree on that. Sometimes though, despite our best attempts, our pets ignore all our best intentions when it comes to their diets.

halloween puppy

Is It Safe for My Dog to Eat Chocolate?

Halloween is one of my favourite holidays. As a kid I remember the excitement of picking a costume, making trick or treating plans with my friends, and pet-proofing my candy stash once I got home afterwards.

Dental Care – Puppies Need Their Teeth Cleaned Too!

We recently had a younger dog come in to be neutered. The owners had waited until he was a year and a half old before going through with the neuter.

Dog Teeth

How To Brush Your Dog’s Teeth

February is Dental Health Month! To celebrate this, I teamed up with the lovely Cynthia and her pup Kingsley to provide you all with a great demonstration of how to brush your dog’s teeth.