
Lyra’s Spay Day

I recently shared with you the experiences of my kitty Sunny’s spay day. Adrienna, one of my coworkers, was kind enough to provide us with pictures of her own little dog’s spay day and I figured I’d share this with you, our canine lovers!

halloween puppy

Is It Safe for My Dog to Eat Chocolate?

Halloween is one of my favourite holidays. As a kid I remember the excitement of picking a costume, making trick or treating plans with my friends, and pet-proofing my candy stash once I got home afterwards.

pet health week

Animal Health Week 2018

As many of you have recently heard, Labrador and Central Newfoundland are in the midst of a devastating Distemper outbreak. This news while quite tragic does highlight the importance of vaccinating our pets.

New Experiences – Reflections on a Parrot’s Beak Surgery

We recently had the very handsome African Grey parrot, Timmy Legge in for an examination.